Lulu Barney's Beloved Followers


broken heart

sayang,thanks for being with me for almost 2 years. i want u to know that for the 1st time i saw u. my heart says, i really love to be with you. u are so different from the other guy that i have known before. u always take care of me, make me smile, make me laugh and always be by my side when i really need u. u are the one i loved from we started to declared our relationship on 9th of march 2009. i always remember what we have done together before. for me, every single time i am with u, is my happiest time and the time for us to talked something and share anything together. i always imagine when the time in future, i became ur wife. huhh. i reallly hope so that my hope wil become reallity. i am so sorry for what i have done and made you think that i am bored with our relationship. honestly i said, i missed u soo much sayang. i always wanted to be with u. i don't like when the time we are fighted and when we are in misunderstanding situation. huhh. its hard for me to forget when u chatting with other girl, it looks like i am not good enough for u sayang.i always remember every single words u wrote when u chatting with the gurls. huh.. u really hurts me and my feelings on you. i know and i believed that u loved me so much. by the time u wrote that msg to the girls u really made me think negetively towards u sayang. i give u everything and give all my hearts to you. i love u so much and hope that we can be as when we before. happy, laugh, and so many good things we doned together. i agree with u that past 2 weeks, our relationship is in complicated. hope that after this we can be as before. i love u so much sayang. after u have read this i hope that u can call me and say something from ur heart. i am pleased to hear it.i really need u and missed u :)

entah kenapalah

entah kenapalah nasib aku sejak 2 3 hari ni. emm. kadang2 bila pikir balik sedih pon ada. dalah handphone rosak, blank je skrin dia. tak nampak ape pon orang kol. pastu plak hari tu langgar lobang, rim kereta tercabot, hilang. 2 hri lepas nak hampir2 eksiden masa nak buat u-turn kat shah alam tu. hari ni plak 17 may 2011, kereta rosak tengah2 jalan masuk air sebab hujan lebat sangat. tadi plak cermin kereta abah patah sb orang langgar. pinjam handphone yati, td masa hubby kol tak berapa dengar, mungkin masuk air masa tengah2 hujan masa kereta rosak tu kot. dalah masa hujan lebat tu kereta kat tengah2 jalan dengan kilat sabung menyabung. aku kuar daripada kereta tu melintas kat jalan seberang yang divider nye setinggi pinggang aku, terpaksalah aku buat muka tak malu melintas kat tengah2 jalan yang banyak kereta n seberang jalan yang berderet kedai orang tengok je aku melangkah dengan besarnye kat taman medan tu. hurrmm sedih raasa cam nak nangis je. aku kol abah tunggu abah datang dalam 30 minit gak baru abah datang pastu aku bawak kereta kancil tu g kedai nak baiki. aku bawak plahan2 memg tersenggut2 la kan. tak payah nak cakap laa ohh. mmg kene hon la kan. malang betol lah. ;'(
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sooooo sad !


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